Miriam Griffin

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Miriam Tamara Griffin (rođena Dressler;[1] New York, 6 June 1935 – Oxford, 16 May 2018) bila je američko-britanska klasičarka i profesorka povijesti starog vijeka na Somerville College, Sveučilište u Oxfordu od 1967. do 2002. godine[2] Bavila se rimskom poviješću i antičkom mišlju, a napisala je i knjige o caru Neronu i njegovom učitelju Seneki,[3] potičući da se filozofski spisi starih Rimljana procjenjuju u njihovom povijesnom kontekstu.[4]

Život i karijera

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Miriam Griffin je studirala na Sveučilištu Columbia, Sveučilištu Harvard i Sveučilištu u Oxfordu. Bila je predavač na Trinity Collegeu i na Somerville Collegeu. Bila je supruga klasičnog filologa Jaspera Griffina, s kojim je bila u braku više od pedeset godina i imala je tri kćeri (Juliju, Mirandu i Tamaru).

Njezini glavni istraživački interesi bili su pozna Rimska Republika i rano carsko doba, kao i intelektualna povijest Rimljana. Sudjelovala je u izradi 10. toma Kembričke antičke povijesti (Cambridge Ancient History), uključujući članke o Flavijevcima. Zajedno s Jonathanom Barnesom uredila je dva sveska Philosophia togata o rimskoj filozofiji, društvenoj ulozi rimskih filozofa i recepciji grčke filozofije u Rimu.

Izabrana djela

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Griffin je objavljivala članke u akademskim časopisima za oba područja, a izradila je i 61 referentnu odrednicu za Oxfordski klasični leksikon (Oxford Classical Dictionary, 3rd rev. izd., 2005.). Pisala je kritike i članke za London Review of Books i The New York Review of Books.[5][6]


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  • Seneca: a philosopher in politics. Clarendon Press, 1976. ISBN 0198143656.
  • Nero: the end of a dynasty. Batsford, 1984. ISBN 0713444649. This details the events of Nero's reign and then analyses the reasons for his downfall.[7]
  • Seneca on society. Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN 9780199245482.

Kao urednica

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  • Philosophia Togata I. Essays on Philosophy and Roman Society. Edited by Miriam Griffin and Jonathan Barnes. Oxford University Press, 1997. ISBN 9780198150855.
  • Philosophia Togata II. Plato and Aristotle at Rome. Edited by Jonathan Barnes and Miriam Griffin. Oxford University Press, 2000. ISBN 9780198152224.
  • A Companion to Julius Caesar. Edited by Miriam Griffin. Wiley, 2009. ISBN 9781405149235.
  • Health and Sickness in Ancient Rome; Greek and Roman Poetry and Historiography. Edited by Francis Cairns and Miriam Griffin. Francis Cairns, 2010. ISBN 9780905205533.
  • Studies in Stoicism. P. A. Brunt. Edited by Miriam Griffin, Alison Samuels, and with the assistance of Michael Crawford. Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN 9780199695850.


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  • On Benefits. Lucius Annaeus Seneca. Translated by Miriam Griffin and Brad Inwood. University of Chicago Press, 2011. ISBN 978-0-226-74840-5.[8]

Kritička izdanja

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  • Cicero: On Duties. Edited by M. T. Griffin and E. M. Atkins. Cambridge University Press, 1991. ISBN 9780521343381.
  • "Cicero on Life and Death." Translated by John Davie. Edited with an introduction and Notes by Miriam T. Griffin. World's Classics. Oxford University Press, 2017. ISBN 9780199644148.


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  • 'De Brevitate Vitae', The Journal of Roman Studies, Vol. 52, Parts 1 and 2 (1962), pp. 104–113
  • 'Seneca on Cato's Politics: Epistle 14. 12-13', The Classical Quarterly, New Series, Vol. 18, No. 2 (Nov., 1968), pp. 373–375
  • 'The 'Leges Iudiciariae' of the Pre-Sullan Era', The Classical Quarterly , Vol. 23, No. 1 (May, 1973), pp. 108–126
  • Nero. The End of a Dynasty. Batsford, London 1984; Routledge, London 2001 (Nachdr.), ISBN 0-415-21464-5.
  • S Jonathanom Barnesom (Eds.): Philosophia togata. Essays on philosophy and Roman society. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1989.
  • Seneca: A Philosopher in Politics. Oxford 1992, ISBN 978-0-198-1477-49.
  • S Jonathanom Barnesom (Eds.): Philosophia togata. Band II: Plato and Aristotle at Rome. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1999.
  • A Companion to Julius Caesar. (Ed.) New York 2009, ISBN 978-1-405-14923-5 (Auszüge na Google Books


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  1. Mehta 1993: str. 313
  2. „Miriam Griffin (née Dressler) 6.6.1935-16.5.2018”. 
  3. Griffin, Miriam T., ur. (2018-06-14). Politics and Philosophy at Rome: Collected Papers. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198793120. 
  4. Edwards, Catharine (2018-06-19). „Miriam Griffin obituary” (en). The Guardian. Pristupljeno 2018-06-22. 
  5. Griffin, Miriam (13 February 1992), „Ancestors”, London Review of Books 14 (3): 17–18 
  6. Griffin, Jasper; Griffin, Miriam (9 October 1997), „Show Us You Care, Ma'am”, The New York Review of Books 
  7. Seager, Robin (1986). „Nero”. The Classical Review 36 (1): 98–100. DOI:10.1017/S0009840X00105190. 
  8. Bychkov, Oleg V. (15 September 2011). „Seneca, On Benefits, Miriam Griffin and Brad Inwood (trs.), University of Chicago Press, 2011”. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. Pristupljeno 6 March 2017. 


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